Defining ‘aerodynamics’ : A sledgehammer to crack a nut!

Typhoon CFT model
Wind tunnel testing at one of the largest aerospace companies in the world.
Jonny Anderson (back) at full velocity in Team GB Bobsleigh

As you are probably aware, I am very excited about sharing my new picture book, ‘Aerodynamics of Biscuits,’ with the world, but the thought of a child asking me “Miss, what does aerodynamics mean?” was bringing me out in cold sweat. It seemed like a good title at the time, but explaining it to a five year old is actually quite a tough ask…

…as I was about to find out!

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School Visits and #167 Days of Uke!

Exciting news! Ahead of Biscuits‘ release date on 28th September, visits to schools and pre-schools are beginning to book up! Some schools have been quite specific about what they are looking for. For example, workshops for gifted and talented writers, developing enjoyment for writing. Others have left it in my very enthusiastic but capable hands. Either way, there is a lot of room to be creative …And those of you who know me well, will understand just how much joy planning these events is giving me!



…my YouTube Channel and yours truly on the ukulele! Assured it was something do-able (with 167 days to practice) I have been busy learning the chords G C and D7# to accompany my version of a much loved number rhyme; ‘Ten Squeaky Pirate Mice!’

Hopefully, they’ll be some improvement over the next few months and if there is… I’ll post it here.

A special thank you to Jon Waring; the greatest and most patient ukulele tutor a novice could ask for.

Thank you, Jon!

Alice Williams: My very own agent!

David Higham Associates is one of the most successful agencies in the world and boasts an incredible list of authors and illustrators… and now yours truly 🙂meAlice Williams joined David Higham Associates in 2002 after studying philosophy at Cambridge University. She represents novelists, poets and writers of non-fiction, but she is currently passionate about working with talented writers and illustrators of books for children and young adults.


You can find out more about Alice on the David Higham website and on twitter @alicelovesbooks